Monday, November 26, 2018

Wow, long time/no post

OMG, will I, can I, should I keep up with all the web presence I've previously established? TBD. In any case, since it's been so long, a quick update: I am retired, although not even 60. This may be a temporary condition, conditioned on practical considerations.

I am most occupied with trying to get my book published. This means getting a literary agent, or failing that maybe getting a publisher directly, on my own, or failing that too, self publishing.

I am also caring for our house, which has fallen into a sorry state over the past many years while i was working in Boston as a paralegal. No more. and no more commute.

I do intend to pick up the Efron family history research again, and instead of only having that half-baked version on the web,, I'll fix it up and publish in book form.

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